In business, the bottom line is about making profit. Tariff code references are the pulse of every import and export businesses. The needs to calculate duties/taxes payment and cost of landed goods, accurately classify goods to ease Customs clearance, check eligibility of duty / tax exemption and apply Free Trade Areas (FTAs) preferential tariff rates (lower duty or duty free) are crucial in business today.

In meeting the crucial needs of this industry, we are pleased to provide you with All-In-1 (NOT scattered information, likened to loose pieces of puzzles here and there) and Up-To-Date (NOT up-to-published date) tariff code information through Tariff Finder. Tariff Finder comes with a powerful built-in search engine, which enables search by product description or code that not only meet your needs but also exceed your expectation. Besides tariff code references, there is a guide to interpret and calculate the various duties/tax rates and also real time Live Update feature to help your business stay current.

In meeting the crucial needs of this industry, we are pleased to provide you with All-In-1 (NOT scattered information, likened to loose pieces of puzzles, here and there).
Up-To-Date (NOT up-to-published date) international trade information through Tariff Finder. Live Update feature to help your business stay current. In this fast growing world, we need to constantly update and upgrade ourselves. Time is an important factor and precious to us all. Fortunately for you, we are here to provide the convenience and ease of obtaining the latest accurate information. You have access to information from a single click, be it sitting comfortably on your chair at home or in the office, anywhere, and anytime.


Powerful intuitive Smart Search engine & Customs Ruling that allows us to use layman term to get the Tariff Code, make the classification process easier without the need for years of hands-on experience & technical knowledge.
Extremely helpful duties/ taxes/ landed cost calculation & analysis tool with up-to-date Customs exchange rates.

FREE TRADE AREA (FTA) = Lower Duty or Duty Free

Current FTAs in effect are ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), ASEAN China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), Malaysia Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership (MPCEPA), Malaysia Japan Economic Partnership (MJEPA), ASEAN Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA), ASEAN Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP), ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA), Malaysia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (MNZFTA), ASEAN India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA). More FTAs will be implemented with countries such as US, OIC countries, and Chile. With preferential tariff, importers and exporters can now enjoy lower duty or duty free. It is indeed good news provided you update yourself with information as and when it is made available.